Ø 王良和,鷹爪翻子門第六代傳人。
Ø 1980年7月5日開始,隨劉莉莉師父習鷹爪翻子門拳術;後劉師父移居台灣多年,王良和乃在香港、大陸隨多位師叔伯學藝,從不同風格、打法中研究鷹爪翻子拳之用法、變異,並致力保存、整理所學拳術。
Ø 曾任香港大學中國武術學會助教(1987-1989)及教練(1990-1993)。
Ø 曾獲四屆「全港公開國術群英會」男子成年套拳組金獎。
From senior primary school to junior secondary school, I learned Eagle Claw Kung Fu from Master Mok Chan Hang(莫 燦恆師傅), thus laying a good foundation in martial arts.
Starting the summer in 1980, I began my learning of Eagle Claw from Grand Master Lily Lau(劉莉莉師傅). With Grand Master Lau spending most of the 1980s in Taiwan, I went on a quest for more Eagle Claw kung fu, visiting and learning from senior practitioners of the school in Hong Kong and Mainland China. I have also endeavoured to study its uses and developments from different lineages of Eagle Claw for the purpose of compiling information on this school of martial arts and preserving its rich legacy.
I was assistant instructor (1987-1989) and instructor (1990-1993) of the Chinese Martial Arts Club of the University of Hong Kong.
In the Hong Kong Martial Arts Open Competition, I won the gold medal in the senior male individual fist form division four times.
Starting the summer in 1980, I began my learning of Eagle Claw from Grand Master Lily Lau(劉莉莉師傅). With Grand Master Lau spending most of the 1980s in Taiwan, I went on a quest for more Eagle Claw kung fu, visiting and learning from senior practitioners of the school in Hong Kong and Mainland China. I have also endeavoured to study its uses and developments from different lineages of Eagle Claw for the purpose of compiling information on this school of martial arts and preserving its rich legacy.
I was assistant instructor (1987-1989) and instructor (1990-1993) of the Chinese Martial Arts Club of the University of Hong Kong.
In the Hong Kong Martial Arts Open Competition, I won the gold medal in the senior male individual fist form division four times.